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Showing posts from September, 2016

How Did You Do This Show Season?

For me the close of summer heralds an end to a busy coaching season in the North East and like most clinicians the Fall months will keep me extra busy as riders recover from their exhibitions in the arena and come back to full schooling mode.  A select few students have qualified for the National championships, others are wrapping up their season at Dressage at Devon. For the majority of competitors the expens es of the show season hang heavily on the annual budget but the barn is bright with ribbons of a variety of colors demonstrating to all their sojourn into t he world of the sport of dressage. If the show season did not go as well as you had hoped this is a great time to reflect and take stock of a few key ingredients that you may have been missing in your quest for success. Here is a list of thoughts to consider before you trot down the center line again. Did I prepare my horse properly for the task I set? Most importantly was he 100 % sound? Was he 100% fit and pr