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Showing posts from September, 2021

Online Expansion For Horse Trainers ~ Integrity & Intent

I was recently approached by a well-known dressage trainer to compile his articles on dressage training to formulate an online training course. Well at least I think that was the scope of work - it was all a bit airy fairy. One of our senior Grand Prix horses that we recently lost to colic. As many of my readers know, aside from dressage training I am also a professional content writer and PR/Marketing professional. I field many such calls from varietal trainers worldwide across many disciplines, equine and other industry manufacturers and service providers, all interested in capitalizing on the spend of the consumer through video content and instruction. This particular call was different to most, in that the trainer was totally uninterested in any writing help at all. It was almost impossible to get a word in edgewise during the conversation. He spoke partly to horses he was longing one after another, and partly in a dictatorial manner to me. A strange way to conduct a conversation.

Reflections on Losing A Grand Prix Partner

I knew I would have to write about the loss of Tiberio Lafite aka Tigger at some point, but didn't really expect it to take me 2 months.    Our beloved partner since buying him age 5, through to his elderly statesman years at 26, Tigger brought much joy to our lives and gamely adapted himself to all our human demands.   Many horse owners know that sinking feeling, when you find your horse laying down unable to get up. The moment when the world literally stops for a second, and everything seems to be happening in slow motion, as your brain fights to figure out what to do next to do the right thing. For us it was a sultry, humid day in July. Paul went out to the fields to do an a.m. check of the water troughs and see that the horses that had enjoyed the freedom of a night outside in the paddocks and were all AOK.  From the windows of our home and the security system we have in place, we had already seen the horses were all up and about doing just fine by all appearances earlier that