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Showing posts from September, 2022

Pivoting The Willowview Hill Farm Brand

Changes are coming and we don't mean the flying change or tempi variety. Paul and ANCCE stallion Celesto IV.   Your Grand Prix dressage duo, hubbie Paul and myself, are in the process of pivoting our dressage services here at Willowview Hill Farm, based in Stamford, NY. From January 2023, we will only be offering a limited number of general dressage clinics offsite and we will no longer offer our pick up a dressage lesson programs at client's barns. Instead, we are choosing to pivot our dressage services to focus our energies on our own private horses and training here at home. As many of you know we are currently under contract for a film production and a book deal is already underway for, " Road Map To Making The Grand Prix Dressage Horse." We will continue to offer dressage training for clients here at WVH for a limited number of horses.   We are also currently on a serious hunt to buy two top quality PRE/ANCCE or Lusitano young horses. At this point in time we are...

Cow Hay Horse Hay It's All Hay Right?

  Hay production is part art and part science. The average hay farmer faces many challenges in regard to the hay production process and not every field of grass or legume is worthy of being baled as horse hay. And why is good horse hay so expensive? What's the difference between cow hay or general hay and horse hay products anyway? A lot! From how the field is seeded to how it is cut to how it is tedded and raked to how it is baled, to how it is stored, - everything matters. For example, most hay products available for purchase at feed stores and agricultural outlets like Tractor Supply Company, come with Round Up type chemicals included in the bag or bale for free. Their suppliers openly post that they use chemicals to cure their hay and to up their hay yields and decrease the time needed on the fields to produce it. Alfalfa seeds come as Round Up Ready seedlings - and regardless of how the pharma industry has changed the name from the well known carcinogen brand name to others, t...