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Showing posts from November, 2024

The Ubiquitous Equine Feed Supplement - What Are You Feeding?

Over the course of my professional equestrian and writing careers I've had my fair share of exposure to the ubiquitous equine feed supplement market. I've learned much along the way and I figured it might be information worth sharing with you, my dear reader. Willowview Hill Farm's Home Bred Gambol's Georgy Girl   There are so many myths that surround the 'magic' of adding one or another or a cocktail of supplement to the horses' feed rations so let's bust a few of them out and make sure money spent is not being poured down the drain and that our beloved equine partners are truly getting what they need to optimize their mental and physical health. Something we all care much about. Myth 1 Horses need grain.  DO they though? Check out this conversation on point. Learn what might be causing EGUS (ulcers) and hind 'leaky gut' syndrome. Think about how horses lived when they could freely access what they needed grazing thousands of acres. Sure we ne...